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1. clep - if you have the clep, you can take my test and the test will count. so far, i have been given quite a few false positives (decided that they should have been clep and missed it). i am not sure how many i will get. if anyone has any tips on what test is likely to have more problems, it would be helpful.
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the biggest issue that i have had with vegas over the last several years is that the visitors are taking far too many risks. i believe that the revenue generated by slot machines and table games in las vegas is quite substantial, but we should be using this revenue to back out as much as possible the unrecovered costs and to finance improvements to keep the game at the highest level. if i am right, it is time to get very serious about risk in the vegas book.
as we looked at in the last class, there is no level of debt that is too high. if a company has some of its revenues denominated in cash, it is a bad sign, and a company should raise debt to replenish cash levels. we took a look at the impact of two different debt scenarios: the first scenario looked at allowing current earnings to fund debt payments (paying down debt in the short term), rather than locking in future earnings to pay debt (paying down debt in the long term). when we used this scenario, the stock price was most sensitive to the standard deviation of debt growth (one of the inputs to the beta regression).
the second debt scenario looked at paying down debt immediately and bringing that money into the cash pool. in the long run, you can expect the stock price to be less sensitive to the standard deviation of debt growth, but in the short run, you have to worry about whether the company has any truly profitable investment left. further, in the latter scenario, the company ends up without any cash for investment, and, it is less successful.